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Showing posts from July, 2008

Deadbeat to dead tired

I have a job now. Two jobs, as a matter of fact. I am now employed by Karl G. Maeser Prep Academy, and Meridian Prep High School, teaching (in the former) a variation of world literature (from Beowulf to the French Revolution) and (in the latter) an enhanced 10th grade honors curriculum. The two curricula are kicking my butt right now...recommended reading lists combined offer over 70 (!) titles that I have to read before the end of the school year. You do the math, and you'll see that's almost two titles a say nothing of the time to prepare, grade, and fine-tune each lesson plan. A lot of people have rough firts years. A lot of people have multiple preps. A lot of people do a lot of different things. I can't say that this is harder than someone elses...I'm still only part time, when you look at the numbers (and am being paid accordingly, I might add), so I am struggling a bit with the remuneration per my effort. Still, I'm happy to have the job–especiall

Deadbeat or Jumpstart

I'm jobless. Okay, that isn't perfectly fitted: I have a job. I just don't work at the job. My boss is in Africa (!) right now, on a humanitarian trip with her daughter. But, with my boss gone, the work can't really go forward. I haven't worked for months now. It's starting to wear at me. There are a number of considerations to compute, so many that listing them seems mundane and bootless. I'm actually ranting in this post, as a matter of fact. I have no thesis, I have no point... ...and it feels as though that's the point. That's my frustration. That's my worry. That's my fear. I feel as if I am a barnacle on my family. Isn't that a sad confession? The worth of souls may be great, but the worth of Steve? Well, not so much. Sure, I provide emotional support to my wife through my presence. Precious Peter gets another pair of hands to change diapers and pick him up when he gets fussy. But there's no remediation for my all