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Showing posts from May, 2009

Three Endings and a Beginning

Admittedly, two of those endings came in the form of video games, but those are significant to me in a particular sense--I'll get to those in a minute. The third of the eponymous endings is this: I have officially finished my last class. I have somehow survived my first year as a teacher. I'm waiting for the reality of that to sink in. While I wait (could take weeks...but don't worry, this blog probably won't be that long), I'd like to put down a little bit of my sentiments. School is Out I've always enjoyed academics. I've enjoyed learning, reading (as you may have seen elsewhere ), and most things attached to academics. I lamented--truly lamented--graduating from college, though the feelings were a little far removed because of the circumstances . I've toyed with the idea of immediately looking into a Master's program and returning to my life as a student. Recently, Gayle and I decided to push back Peter's last (we hope) surgery until mid-June

How to Read

Dastardly Desserts I almost had an interesting discussion tonight with my in-laws. Because of brownie diffusion, however, the almost-discussion didn't birth itself until I was halfway home, when I told my wife the following circumstance: While at my in-laws' house, I overheard my mother-in-law speaking to my sister-in-law, both of whom were discussing the fact that they didn't 'have time to read' or something along those lines. My mother-in-law illustrated her argument (with a little bit of personal pride, I sensed, though I could just be overreacting) by using an example. Recently in the hospital, she had picked up a copy of some fiction book which, despite her invalid status, she couldn't really get into. "It was just something someone made up in their head!" she said, implicitly decrying the fiction she had tried to read. Her daughter commiserated, saying she hadn't read anything in a long while, save for some nonfiction pieces that had to do w