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Showing posts from January, 2010

Writing Success!

I hit a major milestone in Words of the Silenced yesterday: I finished draft #2! Thanks, Stephen. You're too kind. I'm rather excited about the whole thing, especially since I had approximately 12,000 words to push through yesterday...and I did it! Of course, reading 12,000 words and writing 12,000 words is totally different, so while it was a lot of work, it wasn't too horribly horrible or difficult or anything like that. Now that I have it at the printer's shop, I'm going to let it cool off completely until about Spring Break. Then, since we'll have a new baby boy and nothing else to really do, I hope to read the entire thing sans a pencil during the break. I will write some notes to myself after the reading, then read it again at greater leisure with a pen in hand this time. My goal (made up this very instant) is to have the rereading, the next edit, and the next input of the edit into the computer, done by Christmas '010. We'll see what happens. As