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Showing posts from June, 2015

Unsolicited Review of Jurassic World

I watched Jurassic World last night. Short version: I liked it quite a bit. Long version: I have a love/love relationship with the Jurassic Park series, a love that blossomed when the first film came out in 1993. The novel Jurassic Park was the first 'adult book' (so called in my brain because 1) my dad read it, and 2) it was found in airport bookstores, which never carried any of the Dragonriders of Pern or Spider-Man novels that comprised most of my reading diet at the time) I read. I knocked the whole thing out over a weekend while in 6th grade. I still remember hauling the battered paperback in the inside pocket of my coat, thrilled that it fit. Memories of the summer of '93 are still fresh in my mind: Seeing the 7-Eleven cups with scenes from the movie and having no context why a guy was hugging a triceratops; the giddy thrill of seeing the cup of water oscillate; laughing at some of the few jokes I understood; identifying with little Timmy as a young, m