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Showing posts from May, 2010

Neglected announcements

Aside from the fact that I so rarely post during the school year, I have been wondering lately why I don't throw some more stuff onto the blog more regularly. I guess part of it is that I don't feel that my life is that fascinating, and without the time and creative desire to put a more thoughtful blog together, I guess I've simply avoided it. I haven't announced that Peter's last (we hope) surgery is coming on June 10. Nor have I announced that I have been given a work contract at Maeser, meaning I get to keep my job for another year. Important announcements, yes. So why did I not put them up earlier? I couldn't say. I suppose part of it is simply knowing that the blog is more for me than for others. Or perhaps it's because I don't like being so public with my private life. On Facebook, I only post a status update every, oh, month or so. Maybe less. So it's just me being my typical, quiet self. Well, whatever. I'm on to a new book (another annou