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Showing posts from November, 2015

What is Policy?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints recently released new policies regarding the children of same-sex unions--relationships or marriages, it doesn't seem to matter--with some people providing one point of view and others, well, another . This has been difficult for me. I already posted my thoughts on marriage equality , so it probably isn't a surprise to anyone reading this that I am more on the side of those who feel this is a deliberate targeting of a minority group. I'm not resigning my membership, turning in my temple recommend, or encouraging anyone else to do so, either (unless they feel that's what they ought to do, in which case, I hope it goes well). Instead, I'm trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. Why Bother? I think that's my first question. Why make this policy change in the first place? Same-sex marriage (the most likely impetus for this change) is on the books in other countries--countries where the Church has long be...