I hit a major milestone in Words of the Silenced yesterday: I finished draft #2!

Thanks, Stephen. You're too kind.
I'm rather excited about the whole thing, especially since I had approximately 12,000 words to push through yesterday...and I did it! Of course, reading 12,000 words and writing 12,000 words is totally different, so while it was a lot of work, it wasn't too horribly horrible or difficult or anything like that.
Now that I have it at the printer's shop, I'm going to let it cool off completely until about Spring Break. Then, since we'll have a new baby boy and nothing else to really do, I hope to read the entire thing sans a pencil during the break. I will write some notes to myself after the reading, then read it again at greater leisure with a pen in hand this time. My goal (made up this very instant) is to have the rereading, the next edit, and the next input of the edit into the computer, done by Christmas '010. We'll see what happens.
As for less writing success, I have three or four chapters left to go in Tales. It's abominable, I feel sorry for making my writing group suffer through it, and I hope to put me out of my misery with it as soon as possible...it just requires so much more effort to write in a story that I know is not only a stinker but won't even withstand an edit (I will have to rewrite the whole thing, pretty much from scratch, to get the story I want). So progress on that sucker is very slow.
Similarly, despite a couple of aborted attempts at hammering out a Metal Gear Solid 2 essay, I haven't managed to put a worthwhile word into Press Start. This is particularly frustrating because I not only got the novelization of the game (which is horribly written but still awesome...it's MGS2, after all. I recommend it!), which totally refreshed the story for me, but because the entire reason I started this blog and began putting Press Start together was because of that game. I needed to build into it, establishing my theory before pushing into what I liked and appreciated in MGS2, but now that I'm finally at a point where I should write it, I can't.
On a positive note, I came up with a brand new idea for another story—a great thing, except for the fact that I have so many other things to do. Part of me is okay with writing it because I am done with WotS and am almost done with Tales, so this new one should be okay to write, right? Right?
Anyway, Winterim at the school ended, so I'm back into the normal grind of teaching. This is exciting, since we're going to hit Enlightenment (with 10th grade) and Civil War (with 11th grade) in the next few weeks. That's cool, and it makes me feel a little better about the loss of the fun that is Winterim.
Uh, that's it.

Thanks, Stephen. You're too kind.
I'm rather excited about the whole thing, especially since I had approximately 12,000 words to push through yesterday...and I did it! Of course, reading 12,000 words and writing 12,000 words is totally different, so while it was a lot of work, it wasn't too horribly horrible or difficult or anything like that.
Now that I have it at the printer's shop, I'm going to let it cool off completely until about Spring Break. Then, since we'll have a new baby boy and nothing else to really do, I hope to read the entire thing sans a pencil during the break. I will write some notes to myself after the reading, then read it again at greater leisure with a pen in hand this time. My goal (made up this very instant) is to have the rereading, the next edit, and the next input of the edit into the computer, done by Christmas '010. We'll see what happens.
As for less writing success, I have three or four chapters left to go in Tales. It's abominable, I feel sorry for making my writing group suffer through it, and I hope to put me out of my misery with it as soon as possible...it just requires so much more effort to write in a story that I know is not only a stinker but won't even withstand an edit (I will have to rewrite the whole thing, pretty much from scratch, to get the story I want). So progress on that sucker is very slow.
Similarly, despite a couple of aborted attempts at hammering out a Metal Gear Solid 2 essay, I haven't managed to put a worthwhile word into Press Start. This is particularly frustrating because I not only got the novelization of the game (which is horribly written but still awesome...it's MGS2, after all. I recommend it!), which totally refreshed the story for me, but because the entire reason I started this blog and began putting Press Start together was because of that game. I needed to build into it, establishing my theory before pushing into what I liked and appreciated in MGS2, but now that I'm finally at a point where I should write it, I can't.
On a positive note, I came up with a brand new idea for another story—a great thing, except for the fact that I have so many other things to do. Part of me is okay with writing it because I am done with WotS and am almost done with Tales, so this new one should be okay to write, right? Right?
Anyway, Winterim at the school ended, so I'm back into the normal grind of teaching. This is exciting, since we're going to hit Enlightenment (with 10th grade) and Civil War (with 11th grade) in the next few weeks. That's cool, and it makes me feel a little better about the loss of the fun that is Winterim.
Uh, that's it.