I just tried out Safari on the PC. Hated every second of it. Didn't work at all like I wanted it to, despite the options claiming that it would. So I ditched it and tried Google Chrome. It's okay. I like the start page, but I was having issues with it going back a page when I pressed the arrow keys, so I went back to Firefox. This is version 3.5, yet the spell checker still can't handle being on in a field for longer than thirty seconds. * Sigh. * I can never win. On the plus side, Firefox has Xmarks AND Cooliris, two very useful little addons. The first one allows me to sync my bookmarks to any other Firefox—and Xmarks—enabled browser, regardless of the computer (useful when I get a new laptop from the school!) and the other allows me to look at images in a more streamlined, slick manner. So, I guess I'm content.
I guess.
I guess.