A full week earlier than my revised deadline allowed for, I met my goal of 100k words in Tales!
Cue the happy dance.

The official word count is 102,709, which again is just the raw stuff. I have some chapters and scenes that I've written that count toward that goal, but ultimately I have or will delete them from the first edit copy that I will print out. Things are finally moving in a positive way, in terms of what I want to have happen, so it's possible that I'll be able to knock this thing out in the next seven to ten writing days. I don't know if that's realistic or not; the total word count would probably only be 120k-ish if I finished it that soon, but it seems like what I wanted all along from this book is right around the corner. It's exciting to be close to a feasible end, though the rewrite on this would/will be brutal. Whole swaths of the story need to be omitted, with new content created. But, as I learned with Words of the Silenced, it's much easier to rewrite once the whole thing is out and sitting in front of you.
Anyway. Happy dance again. Gayle and I are going out to eat to celebrate!
Cue the happy dance.

The official word count is 102,709, which again is just the raw stuff. I have some chapters and scenes that I've written that count toward that goal, but ultimately I have or will delete them from the first edit copy that I will print out. Things are finally moving in a positive way, in terms of what I want to have happen, so it's possible that I'll be able to knock this thing out in the next seven to ten writing days. I don't know if that's realistic or not; the total word count would probably only be 120k-ish if I finished it that soon, but it seems like what I wanted all along from this book is right around the corner. It's exciting to be close to a feasible end, though the rewrite on this would/will be brutal. Whole swaths of the story need to be omitted, with new content created. But, as I learned with Words of the Silenced, it's much easier to rewrite once the whole thing is out and sitting in front of you.
Anyway. Happy dance again. Gayle and I are going out to eat to celebrate!