This morning, I sat down with a blank pad of paper on my desk and a handful of note cards. I have been picking at a story idea since July, so it's about time I figured out what happens in this story.
I had some ideas, but it was time to make the decisions so that the book could take shape. I outlined the motivations of the three main characters, forging how the two supporting characters interacted with the protagonist. Then I wrote the outline, one scene at a time, one card at a time.
I was done in two hours.
Of course, the real writing will take a few months to nail down. I can usually write a chapter in about an hour, maybe 90 minutes. But I tend to only have time to write once a week, so it'll take 30 weeks to write the whole thing.
Fortunately, I will be teaching a class next semester that will allow me three or four writing days a week. With that much writing time, I will be able to finish the book, as outlined, by the end of March.
I can hardly wait to write the next scene.